Metropolitan Community Church Palm Beach Gardens

The Rev. Marie Alford-Harkey and church treasurer Carlos Toro preside over a ceremonial mortgage-burning following Sunday services at Metropolitan Community Church of the Palm Beaches in Palm Beach Gardens.

PALM BEACH GARDENS  — There was much to celebrate Sunday at the Metropolitan Community Church of the Palm Beaches, where majestic drapes frame the altar in rainbow hues and the ceiling arches toward the heavens: The new welcome center named after a beloved Sunday greeter. The completion of the church's mortgage payments. The visiting reverend from Orlando. The congregation's newest members.

But the grandest reason for the special service at the Palm Beach Gardens church was its very survival. The church founded by LGBTQ Christians turns 40 this month.

The mission that began in a Northwood home with six faithful in the early months of the AIDS epidemic has accomplished its goal of offering a spiritual home to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer congregants, their loved ones and supporters.

"We retain our roots as a place for queer people and our allies and friends to be and worship in the fullness of who they are," the congregation's senior pastor, the Rev. Marie Alford-Harkey, said shortly before the start of the Sunday service.

During the celebration, Alford-Harkey, who has served as MCC's senior pastor since the summer of 2019, would preside over the blessing of the new welcome center named in honor of the church's official greeter, Charlie Fredrickson. A longtime LGBTQ advocate, Fredrickson died of COVID-19 in January. He shared a birthday with the congregation he co-founded and was devoted to it through its expansion, moves and hardships.

He was there when the church inaugurated its present location on Northlake Boulevard in 2000 and when, four years later, it suffered more than $90,000 in damages during Hurricanes Frances and Jean. Along with his fellow congregants, he met so many others, like member Kathy Olejniczak, who found a home at MCC.

"Everybody is welcome here. You don't have to be gay. We're just a family that wants to share love," said Olejniczak, a volunteer deacon.

Today, Fredrickson's ashes are stored at the new welcome center, where his name resounded throughout Sunday's celebration.

"Forty years, how amazing!" said the Rev. Terri Steed Pierce, a visiting pastor from Joy MCC in Orlando, which she called the "happiest, gayest place on Earth."

"Forty years of celebrating and sharing God's inclusive and transformative love through acts of worship, compassion and justice. That's life-changing stuff, y'all," she said during the service.

She would note the biblical connotations of the number 40, citing Jesus' 40-day fast in the wilderness, the 40 days Noah spent in his ark during a great flood and the Israelites' 40 years of wandering in the desert. "In the Bible, 40 seems to be shorthand for a long time," she said.

At MCC, the past 40 years' stretch has been a "time for a new generation to arise," she said. And now, she said, "we have the opportunity to be part of the next thing God is trying to do."

During the service, longtime church member Bob Finley spoke about the congregation's founders.

"Those people really struggled to get this church built, getting it organized, getting it going. They had to face a lot of criticism, a lot of ridicule," said Finley, who recalled the homophobic expletives that were hurled at those founders.

"They made a pact with God that together they were going to build a church where everybody was welcome," said Finley, who serves as clerk on the MCCPB board. "And that's the legacy that we stand on today."

How long is 40 years? More than enough time to satisfy the terms of a mortgage.

To mark the completion of the mortgage taken out in June 2007, pastor Alford-Harkey and congregation treasurer Carlos Toro burned the church mortgage papers in a wide bowl during an open-air ceremony on the patio after service.

Before doing so, they lifted a prayer of thanks to those "who dared to dream" and helped build the church.


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